Deep Rest and Relaxation Retreat
Do you try to relax but still find yourself feeling stressed, tense and overwhelmed? This retreat is built on the premise that deep rest and relaxation is a skill to be learned. We will explore together how the mind and body holds onto stress and how, if not checked, chronic busyness can reinforce a fight, flight or freeze response in our nervous system. We will then explore a range of mindfulness and meditation practices to help you tune into yourself, without distraction, and offer your mind and body the chance to truly rest and re-set. Some of the retreat will be conducted in noble silence to further deepen and enhance the experience. I will provide you with a range of resources to take home (including recordings of all the retreat meditations), to further extend the benefits of the day into everyday life.
Price for the Deep Rest and Relaxation Retreat: £95
Next retreat day: TBC - please contact me to register your interest